Tag Archives: courage

love and fierce courage

tags: courage, dreams, life coaching, life coaching dubai

gratitude in slowness: loving the slow motion of a car traveling at 100 kph, people talking, pedestrian walking, mothers shopping, teenagers having fun, children playing, and I’m observing all that with a sense of relief, simply because i have the life in me to appreciate all that.

as coaches we are so blessed, to be aware of this around us, how many of the people in the world can do that and yet be fully alive in total stillness, people just live so one day is gone and they can’t wait for the next and so on. but we coaches we live in the moment and even the moment is not enough for us to since we want to appreciate this moment more and more.

just like Imam Ali Zain el abiddeen said, i thank you Allah and even this thank you deserves a thank you for allowing me to thank you.

we have the capacity not only to help ourselves but the capacity to tell the hard truth to other even if that means losing them, just for the love we posses for others. sounds crazy but we come from a place of authenticity and selfless.

we hold the courage to be fully there and apologize for actions that are so authentic and innocent that others will not even think for a second to be apologetic about. humble, maybe, but courageous, yes certainly.

we go for our dreams in full thrust, if we crash, then we learn from, and if we succeed we fly to the next success.

love and fierce courage, might be conflicting, yet they seamlessly live in the heart of coach. for they cannot be a parted from a coach’s mind and heart.

so what makes us so special? we aren’t angels, by far not, we are not saints, God no. you want to know, its the transformation, yes, transformation, we first transformed our lives and now are ready to gift the world with part of our new souls. love and fierce, thats what makes us stand out, what is it about you that will make you stand out right now in front of the entire world!?


Jawad K Sajwani
