Marwan Medhat Transformational Coach
When human beings live the life of mediocrity and “feeling stuck”, it’s not uncommon for their lives to lack a great deal of happiness. Marwan’s great passion is to help people step up in their lives from where they are to where they can be. He believes everybody has superpowers. Marwan’s superpower is to help people transform their Mindset about themselves that helps them live lives of happiness and fulfillment.
He knows that no single approach is the right one for every individual, and so he’s been trained in a range of modalities including Life coaching, Neuro-linguistic programming, Time paradigm techniques, and Hypnosis.
Marwan is a certified life coach and neuro-linguistic programmer from RSCI (Robert Simic Coaching Institute). The institute holds accreditation from ICF (International Coach Federation), NLPC (Neuro-linguistic programming Coaching Professionals), and COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa). Marwan also holds a bachelor degree in Pharmacy from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University.
Before devoting his life to helping people, for more than 15 years Marwan has been a sales executive in few of the top multinational pharmaceutical companies; Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, and MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohm).
Marwan has conducted several seminars and workshops with audience, ranging from teenage students, working professionals to senior individuals. Speaking of and teaching life skills, success mindset and Laws of balance.